Salesforce Integration

The main areas for Salesforce integration with other applications include:

Security Integration

Integration of authentication mechanisms across applications for a better user experience and administrative automation.

Business Logic Integration

Typically involving multiple applications to extend business-related logic from one app to another with the goal of improving end-to-end business true essence.

User Interface Integration

Combination of UIs for multiple apps to create a composite app.

Data Integration

Integration of multiple applications at the data layer that use different programming languages into a central shared database.

Integrating Salesforce with other applications typically not designed to work together is a challenge many organizations face.

A lack of integration among applications is not just frustrating, it impacts an organization’s bottom line in several ways:

  • Creates redundancies
  • Derails efficiency
  • Complicates business processes
  • Causes frustration among employees and customers
  • Provides a limited view of data for business intelligence
To leverage the full power of Salesforce for business transformation, integrating with other business applications is critical. Integration improves:
  • Operational consistency
  • Efficiency
  • Quality
  • Revenue

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